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    the frog who
    couldn’t decide

    There are five frogs sitting on a log, one decides to jump off the log, how many frogs are left? When I make this inquiry of several people, the response I usually get is” four" which simply validates my own response, when I first encountered the riddle.
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    how do you
    eat an elephant

    I usually ask this question when listening intently to a friend, colleague, family member or client, who appears to be over whelmed by a never ending “to do list.” The first reaction I usually get is that of silence, then flabbergast, the next is an echoing of my inquiry, “How do you eat an elephant?”
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    four cups
    of tea

    Whenever some one asks me to envision my ideal vacation, I see myself sitting down, slipping herbal teas all day long, with a book in hand. So when I was sitting in one of my cognitive behavioral theory application discussions with my mentor, Robert Lydon
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    With a lot going on in our lives today, at times we may succumb to simply existing, getting up and going through the motions. As we wake up to a currently divided county, as we feel our own fears and listen to the fears and anxiety of others, the question becomes what next?
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    in my clouds:

    I have read numerous books and articles on the benefits of expressing gratitude. And for those who know me well, I am usually attempting to put all those suggestions and recommendations into practice.
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